Attention, Balance and Coordination - The Foundation of all Learning.
Tel: 330-208-2494
The stability and success of a building is directly related to its foundation, a secure and strong foundation results in a secure and strong building.
The process of constructing a building is strategic and purposeful. When constructing a building, the builder first lays the foundation, then puts up the walls, the doors and the windows and finally, the roof top. A strong foundation results in a solid building, in the same way, a faulty foundation will result in an unstable building.
A faulty foundation cannot be seen on the outside, however, certain "symptoms" can be observed in the building to alert us that there is trouble. Some of the symptoms of a faulty foundation are doors and/or windows that will not open or close properly, cracks on the wall, etc. If the home owner concentrates on only fixing the doors and windows or cracked walls without addressing the root cause of the problem, namely the foundation, the problem will persists. The only way the problem will be taken care of is if the foundation is fixed.
Generally speaking, the development of the central nervous system can be likened to the construction of a house. What the foundation is to a building, the brain stem is to the central nervous system. Just like a building is constructed in a systematic way : foundation, structure and roof, so the central nervous system develops in a strategic way, first the brain stem which is responsible for involuntary movements, then the midbrain and cerebellum which is responsible for voluntary reflexes, posture and balance, then comes the Cortex where reasoning, learning and logic takes place.
The brain stem has many functions, it is crucial for survival. It is responsible for the neurons that controls heart beat, blood pressure, breathing,
swallowing, laughing or sneezing. It is from the brain stem that involuntary movements are stimulated while the child is still in the womb.
As the child grows and develops, these involuntary movements should begin a gradual withdrawal in phases and voluntary movements should take over. In normal child development, the withdrawal of the involuntary movement of the brain stem help stimulate development of body awareness, eye movements, the sensory system, motor movements, etc. all of which lead to age-appropriate behavior, helping the child reach their full potential.
When older children exhibit delays in eye movement, speech, auditory processing, sensory, behavior and / or learning, it may that they are functioning in many areas at the brain stem level - the foundation. In some children, their immune and / or digestive system may be delayed in development and as such may have difficulties with eating, sleeping or breathing.
At ABC Foundations, each child is assessed to determine their lowest point of dysfunction, once that point has been identified, a customized program is put together for the child based on their individual needs. This is what sets up apart from some of the other programs out there.
Most other programs usually focus their remediation on the higher levels of the brain (cerebellum and cortex). These programs are usually beneficial to the child that has no immaturity at the brain stem level. For children with immaturity at the brain stem level, any remediation that does begin at the foundation level (brain stem) will yield little or no results.
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