Attention, Balance and Coordination - The Foundation of all Learning.
Tel: 330-208-2494
All the children we see at ABC Foundations need NDD Therapy to stimulate the brain stem so it learns to yield control to higher centers of the brain. NDD Therapy is slow methodical, non-invasive physical movements called “exercises”. As a child progresses through NDD therapy, the brain stem is stimulated into maturity, this allows natural development to engage.
When this happens, the child is no longer controlled by their primitive reflexes. Maturation within the brain stem allows the midbrain and cerebellum begin to function as they should with little or no stimulation, and ultimately, the cortex takes control. As the primitive reflexes withdraw, for some kids the postural reflexes usually begin to emerge on their own, however, some others may need minor stimulation.
NDD therapy is a slow natural process. In NDD therapy, your child is not taking a pill to get an immediate result. It is completely drug-free, does not teach coping mechanisms or compensation techniques. Instead it allows a child to work through their difficulties by recapturing earlier stages of development that may have been missed along the way.
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