Attention, Balance and Coordination - The Foundation of all Learning.
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You have browsed our website, you have also reviewed the "Red Flags for NDD" page and see some of the symptoms listed in your child, but you are still not sure if NDD therapy is right therapy for your child.
In that case, let me encourage to get a copy of the book "Miracle Children" by Anna R Buck
Why? For Four main reasons:
1. In layman's terms, Miracle Children describes how dysfunction in the brain stem can affect children in varying degrees and through diverse manifestations. The book also includes captivating stories of children who benefited from NDD Therapy. Some who showed minimal difficulties and others who demonstrated significant dysfunction in multiple areas of the central nervous system.
Children with previous labels such as ADD, ADHD, SEID, Dyslexia, Perceptual Communication Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder and more, have overcome their difficulties and experience transformed lives."
2. Parents who read the book before coming to our office get a discount on the comprehensive assessment.
3. The Late Dr. Peter Blythe Founder and Director of the Institute of Neuro Physiological Psychology (INPP) from 1975-2001 wrote the forward in the book and had this to say " I consider Miracle Children a book that tens of thousands of parents throughout the Western world have been waiting for, because it proves that their dreams and hopes as parents can become reality. "
4. Parents who read the book before coming to our office for the initial comprehensive assessment, receive a discount on the assessment.
When parents observe difficulties or abnormalities in their child’s development they typically seek interventions based on the child’s specific symptoms. If a child has a vision (not sight) problem, parents may decide to take their child to an optometrist for vision therapy. If balance and/or gross or fine motor skills are delayed or impaired, parents may be inclined to pursue occupational therapy. Children with speech delay or enunciation difficulties typically undergo speech therapy.
As you the parent seek help with the different symptoms you observe, it will be helpful to ask yourself these questions:
Are the problems or the symptoms being addressed? Might the symptoms be indicators of a larger problem(s)? What if the root problem lies elsewhere?
There are several things you, as a parent, can do in your search for answers to your child’s struggles:
Observe behaviors. Even if others tell you it’s something your child will outgrow, rely on your instincts. You know your child better than anyone else. Observe moods, sleeping and eating habits, play activities, sensitivities, bedwetting, bathroom issues, fears, obsessive-compulsive behaviors – any and all things that seem to you to be atypical.
Categorize everything you observe : behavior, fears, listening, processing, each of the senses, balance, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, posture, speech, eye movements, hand-eye coordination, academics (note specific struggles), body space and body awareness. Ask yourself why your child might be demonstrating atypical behaviors.
If you observe that your child shows only one specific area of difficulty, seek testing in that specific area.
However, If you find difficulties in several areas, you may be observing symptoms of a larger problem . Some children show very slight dysfunction in several areas, and so initial observations are difficult, but if your child shows even slight symptoms in several areas of functioning, you may want to consider an NDD Assessment. Neuro-Developmental Delay usually manifests itself through multiple symptoms across several areas of functioning.
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